Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Allred's and the Gale's

When Darrell and I were dating in 1967, and probably about the time we were engaged to marry, Darrell invited me to go to Lehi one Sunday afternoon and meet his Grandmother Reba Allred. When we knocked on her door, she opened it, Darrell introduced me to her, and she immediately asked me if I knew Bruce Gale. I felt a shock and answered he was my father, but that he had passed away when I was a child. This was all before she let us in the door. The Gale’s had twelve children and seven of them were boys that lived to adulthood. How did she guess Bruce was my father? Maybe his name was the only one she remembered. As it turns out, the Gale family would walk to church, and as they passed Grandma Allred’s house, she and her family would walk with them. The Gale family address was 150 N. 400 E., Lehi, Utah. It has been interesting to us to know there was a previous connection.


Scott said...

That's cool Mom!

Steve said...

Mom, I enjoy reading your stories...please post more when you get a chance.