Tuesday, October 6, 2009

David Alexander Smith Born October 1, 1997

Davy, the oldest son of Dave and Nichole, is a wonderful kid who just turned twelve! He attended the Priesthood Session of General Conference with his father,grandfather, uncles and cousin for the first time! Grandpa said he looked so handsome in his long sleeve white shirt and his hair combed so neatly!
Davy reads voraciously and has the vocabulary to prove it. He is loving and kind to his friends and siblings and polite to adults. He can carry on a conversation about almost anything with ease and knowdege. He and his brother, Kaden, found chipmunk tracks in the grease under the grill at our family reunion. Grandpa cut the cardboard out so they could save their find! Davy enjoyed the marble games we played at family reunion and did a good job keeping everyone entertained! He loves to play baseball and enjoys drawing, too! Below is a photo of him when he was about 18 months old. We are grateful for his good life and love him very much!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cameron Elise Smith born September 30, 2000

Cameron, the girl in the green shirt in the photo on the left is a star shining brightly in our family. She is Ryan and Lauren's second child and oldest daughter.
Cameron is a remarkable girl who skipped kindergarten and is in the top of her class. She plays the piano well, dances ballet well, writes fantastic stories, recites poetry with feeling, and has acted in several plays. In January, she will perform in The Wizard of Oz. She has a cute freckly face with a darling nose and reddish brown hair. She's pleasant to be around and has a good sense of humor, as well as being very hard working and helpful. When her parents were out of town, she did her brother's chores while he was at football. She wanted to please her mother and help her brother! We love her very much!

Amanda Rose Kay Smith born August 23, 1990

Amanda, or Mandie, is our oldest grandchild, daughter of Rob and Karen. She is a talented girl who sings with a beautiful, clear-as-a-bell voice, and has been heard singing most of the day since she was a little tiny girl. She enjoys writing poetry and has a mind of her own. She is a tall, slender, beautiful young woman with delicate skin and beautiful brown eyes and brown hair. She is stalwart in the gospel and shares it with her friends and coworkers. Recently she accomplished a very difficult assignment; she graduated from training in the Army Reserves, where she trained as a police officer. Kudos to you, Amanda. We are very proud of you!! I don't have a a good photo of her in my computer, so I'm hoping she will send me one. There is one on her facebook page.

Rachel Lynn Marie Smith born August 7, 2001

Rachel is the fourth child of Rob and Karen.
She has her father's dark hair and her mother's beautiful light skin and dramatic eyes. She's a tender, sensitive soul and very loving and forgiving. She loves to help on big projects and does a really good job! She enjoys learning and is intelligent and creative! The photo on the left is Rachel with her cousin, Brianna at our Family Reunion in August, 2009. The photo on the right is at Thanksgiving Point a week later. She was baptized in September and was so excited to tell us about it! We love her very much and wish we could be there with her when she has special events in her life!

Austin Ryan Smith born July 27, 2006

Austin Ryan Smith is the fifth child of Ryan and Lauren Smith. He's an intelligent boy who likes to tease and make people happy and laugh. He is also very loving and sensitive. He has a hunger to learn and can play board games extremely well for a person his age. He has a very handsome face with dreamy eyes and well proportioned features. He'll certainly be a knock out as he grows up. This photo shows him at our Smith Family Reunion in August, 2009 at Heber Valley Young Women Camp, watching a marble tournament. Grandpa and I are just tickled to have him in our family! We love him very much!

Jesse Ryan Smith born June 22, 2005

Jesse Ryan Smith is the fifth of six children in Dave and Nichole's family. He's a smart thinker and keeps us on our toes, asking all kinds of questions and never forgetting anything.
The first photo was taken on his fourth birthday, just a few months ago. The lower photo was taken in February. As you can see, he's handsome and looks a lot like his older brother, Davy and his dad, David.
He is a joy to have around and we love him very much!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Kaleigh Ann Smith Born May 15, 2005

Kaleigh Ann Smith is the youngest child of our third son Robert and his wife, Karen.
These photos were taken at our family reunion at Heber Valley Young Women Camp, on August 18th, 2009. Kaleigh is a bright, unflappable and happy child. She is very loving and giving and a deep thinker. It's fun to cuddle with her and read stories. She has her mother's big beautiful eyes and her father's courage. Her dark hair falls in soft curls down to her shoulders. We haven't been around her as much as most of the other grandchildren and feel really blessed that we could see and be with her this summer. We love to be with her, she's so much fun!