Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jeremiah Hatch

“Jeremiah Hatch, the second son of Hezekiah and Aldura Sumner Hatch, was born on 7th of July 1823, in Lincoln, Addison County, Vermont. He was named in honor of his grandfather, Captain Jeremiah Hatch, who fought in the revolutionary War with Washington. Jeremiah had a dark complexion with dark hair and eyes. As an adult he was five feet nine and one-half inches tall and weighed 130 pounds.”1 “On December 27, 1840, at the age of 17 he joined the Mormon Church along with his family and together they traveled from Vermont to Nauvoo, then on to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. President Brigham Young and Quorum of the Twelve sent Jeremiah to help settle Lehi, Smithfield, Moab, Manti, and Vernal, Utah. He had three wives and a great posterity of 30 children. He died May 2, 1903, in Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, at the age of 80 years.” 2
Jeremiah married his first wife, Louisa Pool Alexander, on Christmas Day, December 25, 1842, in Nauvoo, Illinois. They had eleven children, two of whom preceded Louisa in death. While living in Nauvoo, Jeremiah was called on a mission to Michigan. Later, they left Nauvoo with the main body of saints, and spent some time in St. Joseph, Missouri, crossing the plains and arriving in Utah September 17th, 1850. Jeremiah was called as a missionary to the Indians to teach them farming and the gospel. The Indians loved and respected him and called him, “Uncle Jerry”. After the death of his wife, he served a second mission to his home state of Vermont for one year.  He married the daughter of one of his converts, Aurilla Bard Hadlock, October 10, 1870, by whom he had nine children. In 1877, he married a plural wife, Henrietta Augustine Clark. She bore him 10 children. He held the priesthood offices of seventy and high priest. He was called to serve as bishop, high councilor, and patriarch. He worked hard to provide for his large family as a blacksmith, digging canals, raising sheep, and farming.

1. Jeremiah Hatch: The Life and Times of an Extraordinary Man Compiled by his granddaughter Mary Owen Hatch Heslop.1996,1.
2.     Jeremiah Hatch & Family History by Dale Hatch, no date1993?,53.

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