Monday, January 31, 2011

Trip to Cove Fort November 19, 2010

We stopped at Cove Fort on our way to visit Deb in California. It's right off I-15 and is open year round. An elderly missionary gave us a personal tour. It was very interesting! The fort is built in a square with the rooms inside the four walls along the edges. Some rooms are connected, but you usually go out into the center outside and then go into the next room. Here is the washing machine of days past. It's a metal board that you rub the clothes on with soap and water to get the dirt out.Darrell is in the boys' room with the rifle.
This quilt has the date it was made on it.
This blue and white quilt is made of wool and linen-linsey woolsey, which makes it warm and comfortable.
Bone dominoes in the boys' room.
All of the rooms are restored to the 1860's use and really do show what people lived like in those days. Glad to live in the 21st century.

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